Make a commitment to read, study, and share the Bible.

“Kyo no Hikari” Campaign

“Kyo no Hikari” is a Devotional Reading in Japanese published every quarter.
This campaign is to provide the Reading of the newest quarter to the newly baptized members in commemoration of baptism.

50% discount off the price --- 350yen!

Getting the Devotional Reading leads them to the new habit to deepen their devotion to God every day. We suggest every church get the Reading low-priced and present the recently baptized members. We also suggest them get the Reading of their own after this (at the regular price).

Tell Family Ministries the names of the persons who have been just baptized or are soon going to be, and we are sending to your churches by monthly mails. Way of payment will be told later.
Copyright 2009 Japan Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church, All rights reserved.