Make a commitment to read, study, and share the Bible.

The special Bible is coming to Japan!
18 inches long and 12 inches wide!
Every book is written in different 66 languages and Deuteronomy is in Japanese!

The Bible will come to Japan from June 14th to 25th during its worldwide two-year journey. Special activities are planned in many Japanese SDA churches and facilities.

Schedules in Japan
June 13 Received The Bible in Mongolia.
June 14 Arrive at Narita Airport from Mongolia.
June 15 JUC Central Office in Yokohama, Kitaura San-iku Junior High School.
June 16 San-iku Gakuin University(in Otaki), San-iku Foods.
June 17 Tokyo Adventist Hospital, Tokyo San-iku Elementary School, JUC Tachikawa Office.
June 18 Mission Day at JUC Central Office in Yokohama, Yokohama Shalom nursing Home
June 20 Memorizing Chapters Presentation Meeting at Tokyo Central Church.
June 20,21
Seminar for youth in commemoration of `Follow the Bible'.
June 21 Senior meeting, Mission Day at Kobe Adventist Hospital.
June 22 Hiroshima San-iku Gakuin High School / Junior High School.
June 23 Naha Airport, Naha Church, Yonabaru Church, Nanbu Church, Koza Church, Shuri Church.
June 24 Okinawa San-iku Elementaty School, Okinawa International Church, Uruma Church, Ishikawa Church, Kin Church, Okuma Church, Nago Church, Okinawa San-iku Junior High School.
June 25 Delivery Ceremony at Adventist Medical Center, move from Naha Airport to Korea through Fukuoka.

If you want to get more reports about this journey... >> See, Follow the Bible Official Pages.
Copyright 2009 Japan Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church, All rights reserved.